LAST BATCH! Once these sell out they will not be remade
“There is no doubt that the medicinal leech is one of the most beautiful of animals,”…. eccentric though they may sound, were simply participating in a bizarre cultural phenomenon that swept through Europe in the nineteenth century: leech mania. Bloodletting was a very common medical practice! Using Leeches was probably for the best, as leeching was safer, gentler, and less painful than slicing open a vein. Yet at times the enthusiasm for leeches reached truly terrifying heights. “le vampire de la médecine” - there would be bleeding patients with fifty leeches at a time, draining up to eighty percent of their blood. Often every new patient admitted to a medical doctor was given a treatment of thirty leeches, regardless of their symptoms.
This turned into another Victorian Craze they named Leech Craft. Quickly it became popular for women to bedeck themselves in leech-themed embroidery.
on a 26 inch silvery and black thin rosary like chain
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